JPRD’s Modified Phase 2 Compliance
In an effort to ensure compliance with the Governor’s new Modified Phase 2 guidelines, JPRD is doing the following…

Basketball registration is open
Registration for Pontiff basketball is underway and runs through November 6. Coaches, referees and scorekeepers are needed. Click through for details.

Registration for volleyball, cheerleading and flag football is open
Click through for online registration.

Fall sports put on hold
Registration for all fall sports has been put on hold until further notice. This includes tackle football, flag football, volleyball and cheerleading. No return date has been set.

Baseball/softball schedules
Click through to download the baseball or softball schedule for your age group.

Baseball/softball registration is open
Baseball and softball are back! Better late than never, right? Registration runs through May 22, then May 26-29. Click through for age groups and times.

Online registration
All registration is now available online at JPRD.org.

All boys and girls track and soccer is cancelled for Thursday, 2/20
Girls track will resume on Wednesday and Thursday. Soccer will resume for everyone after Mardi Gras as regularly scheduled.